Problem 1.11 – Griffith’s Intro to QM

Problem 1.11

[This problem generalizes Example 1.2.] Imagine a particle of mass m and energy E in a potential well V(x), sliding frictionlessly back and forth between the classical turning points (a and b in Figure 1.10). Classically, the probability of finding the particle in the range dx (if, for example, you took a snapshot at a random time t) is equal to the fraction of the time T it takes to get from a to b that it spends in the interval dx:

\rho (x) dx = \dfrac{dt}{T} = \dfrac{(dt/dx)dx}{T} = \dfrac{1}{v(x)T}dx,

where v(x) is the speed, and T = \int_{0}^{T} \mathrm{d}t = \int_{a}^{b} \dfrac{1}{v(x)} \mathrm{d}x.

Thus \rho (x) = \dfrac{1}{v(x) T}. This is perhaps the closest classical analog to |\Psi|^2.

(a) Use conservation of energy to express v(x) in terms of E and V(x).
(b) As an example, find \rho (x) for the simple harmonic oscillator, V(x) = kx^2/2. Plot \rho (x), and check that it is correctly normalized.
(c) For the classical harmonic oscillator in part (b), find \langle x \rangle, \langle x^2 \rangle, and \sigma_x.


Problem 1.11

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