
I have always been one to ask questions. Why does light travel faster than sound? Where does lightning come from? Why isn’t the sky green? In my 10th year of schooling, one particular question captivated my attention: “How small would you have to shrink the earth for it to become a black hole?”

I was taking my first physics class that year, and I had no clue had to proceed. I had never been asked a question like this before. After two days of evaluating every possible method I could think of, I finally had my first “scientist moment.” In other words, I had postulated a theory using my own physical reasoning skills—and I actually got the right answer! Since then, my hunger for physics has only increased.

My name is Truman Idso (BS Applied Physics) and I’m a Physics PhD student at Arizona State University. My focus is on materials physics, specifically near-threshold photoemission phenomena. My passion is for education of every kind. Thus, TruPhysics is borne out of the desire to share my knowledge and inspire a love of physics in others.

About education.

Through this website, I hope to break down complex concepts into bits of digestible and engaging content, enabling students, hobbyists, and enthusiasts alike to delve into the fascinating world of physics. I believe that understanding the fundamental principles of the universe can lead us to see the world in a new light, and I am committed to making physics accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior experience.

So why wait? Start exploring the site today and discover the fascinating world of physics!

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