Problem 2.12 (Schroeder’s Intro to Thermal Physics)

Problem 2.12

The natural logarithm function, ln, is defined so that e^{\ln{(x)}}=x for any positive number x.
(a) Sketch a graph of the natural logarithm function.
(b) Prove the identities
\ln{ab} = \ln{a} + \ln{b} and \ln{a^b}=b \ln{a}.
(c) Prove that \dfrac{d}{dx} \ln{x} = \dfrac{1}{x}
(d) Derive the useful approximation \ln{(1+x)} \approx x,
which is valid when |x|<<1. Use a calculator to check the accuracy of this approximation for x = 0.1 and x = 0.01.


Problem 2.12 Solution (Download)

Problem 2.12 Solution. Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics. Page 1.
Problem 2.12 Solution. Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics. Page 2.

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