Problem 5.14 (Schroeder’s Intro to Thermal Physics)

Problem 5.14

The partial-derivative relations derived in Problems 1.46, 3.33, and 5.12, plus a bit more partial-derivative trickery, can be used to derive a completely general relation between C_P and C_V.

(a) With the heat capacity expressions from Problem 3.33 in mind, first consider S to be a function of T and V. Expand dS in terms of the partial derivatives (\partial S/ \partial T)_V and (\partial S/ \partial V)_T. Note that one of these derivatives is related to C_V.
(b) To bring in C_P, consider V to be a function of T and P and expand dV in terms of partial derivatives in a similar way. Plug this expression for dV into the result of part (a), then set dP = 0 and note that you have derived a nontrivial expression for (\partial S/\partial T)_P. This derivative is related to C_P, so you now have a formula for the difference C_P - C_V.
(c) Write the remaining partial derivatives in terms of measurable quantities using a Maxwell relation and the result of Problem 1.46. Your final result should be

C_P = C_V + \dfrac{TV \beta^2}{\kappa_T}.

(d) Check that this formula gives the correct value of C_P - C_V for an ideal gas.
(e) Use this formula to argue that C_P cannot be less than C_V.
(f) Use the data in Problem 1.46 to evaluate C_P - C_V for water and for mercury at room temperature. By what percentage do the two heat capacities differ?
(g) Figure 1.14 shows measured values of C_P for three elemental solids, compared to predicted values of C_V. It turns out that a graph of /beta vs. T for a solid has same general appearance as a graph of heat capacity. Use this fact to explain why C_P and C_V agree at low temperatures but diverge in the way they do at higher temperatures.


Problem 5.14 (Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics) 1 of 4
Problem 5.14 (Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics) 2 of 4
Problem 5.14 (Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics) 3 of 4
Problem 5.14 (Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics) 4 of 4

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