Problem 6.48 (Schroeder’s Intro to Thermal Physics)

Problem 6.48

For a diatomic gas near room temperature, the internal partition function is simply the rotational partition function computed in Section 6.2, multiplied by the degeneracy Z_e of the electronic ground state.

(a) Show that the entropy in this case is

S = NK \Bigl[ \ln{ \Bigl( \dfrac{VZ_eZ_{rot}}{Nv_Q} \Bigr)} + \dfrac{7}{2} \Bigr] .

Calculate the entropy of a mole of oxygen (Z_e = 3) at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, and compare to the measured value in the table at the back of this book.*

(b) Calculate the chemical potential of oxygen in earth’s atmosphere near sea level, at room temperature. Express the answer in electron-volts.


Problem 6.48 (Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics) 1 of 2
Problem 6.48 (Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics) 2 of 2

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