Problem 2.6 – Griffith’s Intro to QM

Problem 2.6

Although the overall phase constant of the wave function is of no physical significance (it cancels out whenever you calculate a measurable quantity), the relative phase of the coefficients in Equation 2.17 does matter. For example, suppose we change the relative phase of \psi_1 and \psi_2 in Problem 2.5:

\Psi (x,0) = A[\psi_1 (x) + e^{i \phi}\psi_2 (x)],

where \phi is some constant. Find \Psi (x,t), |\Psi (x,t)|^2, and \langle x \rangle, and compare your results with what you got before. Study the special cases \phi = \pi/2 and \phi = \pi. (For a graphical exploration of this problem see the applet in footnote 9 of this chapter.)


Problem 2.6 - Griffith's Intro to QM

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