Problem 5.3 – Griffith’s Intro to QM

Problem 5.3

Chlorine has two naturally occurring isotopes, Cl^{35} and Cl^{37}. Show that the vibrational spectrum of HCl should consist of closely spaced doublets, with a splitting given by \Delta \nu = 7.51 \times 10^{-4} \nu, where \nu is the frequency of the emitted photon. Hint: Think of it as a harmonic oscillator, with \omega = \sqrt{k/ \mu} , where \mu is the reduced mass (Equation 5.15) and k is presumably the same for both isotopes.


Problem 5.3 - Griffith's Intro to QM 1 of 2
Problem 5.3 - Griffith's Intro to QM 2 of 2

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