Stark Effect


The Stark Effect, named after German physicist Johannes Stark, is the shifting and splitting of spectral lines of atoms and molecules due to the presence of an external electric field. The amount of shifting or splitting is proportional to the strength of the electric field. This is an important phenomenon in both atomic physics and quantum mechanics.

Splitting of spectral lines via the linear stark effect for n=1, n=2, and n=3 energy levels.
Splitting of spectral lines via the linear stark effect, plotted using python. Note that the ground state energy does not split in the linear stark effect due to spherical symmetry.

Basic Theory and Linear Stark Effect

The Stark Effect arises due to the interaction of an external electric field with the electric dipole moment of an atom or molecule. In the presence of an electric field \vec{E}, the potential energy V of an atom or molecule with a dipole moment \vec{p} is given by:


For hydrogen-like atoms, where the potential energy of the atom can be solved exactly, the linear Stark effect can be observed, in which the energy levels split linearly with the electric field. The change in energy due to the Stark effect is given by:

\Delta E = -\langle \psi | \vec{p} \cdot \vec{E} | \psi \rangle

where |\psi\rangle is the wavefunction of the atom.

Quadratic Stark Effect

In more complex atoms, the linear Stark effect usually disappears because atomic wavefunctions are typically chosen to be real, leading to zero for the expectation value of the dipole moment. However, these atoms display the quadratic Stark effect where the energy levels shift proportional to the square of the electric field strength. The quadratic Stark effect is often observed in atoms with higher atomic number.

The quadratic Stark shift in energy can be approximated using second-order perturbation theory, given by:

\Delta E \approx \dfrac{1}{2} \langle \psi | \hat{p} \cdot \vec{E} | \psi \rangle^2

where \hat{p} is the electric dipole operator.


The Stark effect has wide-ranging applications in spectroscopy and is used as a powerful tool in both laboratory and astronomical spectroscopy. It is also applied in the study of electric field effects in semiconductors and superconductors, and in the design of electro-optical devices based on the Stark effect.

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