Problem 1.17 – Griffith’s Intro to QM

Problem 1.17

Suppose you wanted to describe an unstable particle, that spontaneously disintegrates with a “lifetime” \tau . In that case the total probability of finding the particle somewhere should not be constant, but should decrease at (say) an exponential rate:

P(t) \equiv \displaystyle\int_{- \infty}^{\infty}|\Psi (x,t)|^2 dx = e^{-t/\tau}.

A crude way of achieving this result is as follows. In Equation 1.24 we tacitly assumed that V (the potential energy) is real. That is certainly reasonable, but it leads to the “conservation of probability” enshrined in Equation 1.27. What if we assign to V an imaginary part:

V=V_0-i\Gamma ,

where V_0 is the true potential energy and \Gamma is a positive real constant?

(a) Show that (in place of Equation 1.27) we now get


(b) Solve for P(t), and find the lifetime of the particle in terms of \Gamma .


Problem 1.17 - Griffith's Intro to QM a
Problem 1.17 - Griffith's Intro to QM b

Problem 1.17 Solution (Download)

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