Bell’s Theorem


Bell’s theorem, proposed by physicist John Bell in 1964, is a pivotal result in quantum mechanics. It deals with the concept of local realism, a principle stating that physical processes occurring at one location do not depend on the properties of objects at other locations.

Bell's Theorem. John Stewart Bell.
John Stewart Bell—American Scientist.

Statement of Bell’s Theorem

Bell’s theorem states that:

“No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics.”

In simpler terms, this means that if the world obeys local realism, there are certain statistical correlations that could not possibly be observed. But if the world obeys the rules of quantum mechanics, these correlations are not just possible, but expected.

Bell’s Inequalities

Bell’s theorem is often associated with Bell’s inequalities, which are mathematical expressions involving measurable quantities. If local realism is correct, these inequalities must hold. Quantum mechanics, however, predicts situations where these inequalities can be violated.

Experimental Tests

Bell’s theorem is not just a theoretical result; it has profound implications that have been tested experimentally. Experiments involving the polarization of entangled photons have been performed, showing violations of Bell’s inequalities. These results support the predictions of quantum mechanics and suggest that local realism is not tenable in our universe.


Bell’s theorem and the experimental violations of Bell’s inequalities have deep implications for our understanding of the universe. They suggest that the world is fundamentally non-local, meaning that the state of a particle can instantaneously affect the state of another particle, no matter how far apart they are. This idea, called quantum entanglement, is one of the most intriguing and debated aspects of quantum mechanics.

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