The Ward–Takahashi Identity, named after physicists J.C. Ward and Y. Takahashi, is a key result in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and quantum field theory (QFT). It ensures the conservation of electric charge in QED, and more generally, the conservation of current in QFT.
Statement of the Ward–Takahashi Identity Identity
The Ward-Takahashi identity can be written in the general form as follows:
Here, is the four-momentum,
is the current operator,
is the field operator,
is the complex conjugate of the field operator,
is the propagator, and
denotes time-ordering.
Physical Meaning
The Ward-Takahashi Identity is a condition which ensures that the gauge invariance of the classical theory (Maxwell’s equations in the case of QED) is preserved in the quantum theory. This identity guarantees the conservation of electric charge, implying that the sum of incoming charges equals the sum of outgoing charges in a scattering process.
Applications of the Ward–Takahashi Identity
The Ward–Takahashi identity is used in various areas of physics such as the computation of Feynman diagrams, proving the renormalizability of QED, and also in the proof of the Goldstone’s theorem in the context of spontaneous symmetry breaking.
Related Concepts
- Feynman Diagrams: Diagrammatic representations of the interactions of particles, used extensively in QED. The Ward–Takahashi identity helps to simplify calculations involving these diagrams.
- Renormalization: The process of removing infinities from calculated quantities in QFT. The Ward–Takahashi identity is used to prove that QED is renormalizable.
- Goldstone’s Theorem: A result in QFT stating that any continuous symmetry breaking leads to the existence of massless particles, known as Goldstone bosons.
The Ward–Takahashi Identity plays a crucial role in the theoretical foundations of quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory, ensuring that the fundamental principle of charge conservation holds even in the quantum realm.
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